Groundbreaking for RAC - 12:30 p.m. Next Sunday, May 7After the excitement of the Spring Festival this weekend, we continue our celebration and invite you to join us next Sunday, May 7, for the Groundbreaking Ceremony and Picnic of the new Redeemer Activity Center (RAC). It will run from 12:30-2:30 p.m. next Sunday on the field behind the Parish Life Center and Education Building. We’ll have a big tent set up, and we encourage you to bring smaller individual pop-up tents, lawn chairs and blankets. Bring a picnic lunch with you (perhaps keeping it in a cooler in your car while you attend the 11 a.m. Mass.)We’ll have sno-cones, popcorn, music and other fun activities for the whole family. We encourage you to bring a jug of water that will be blessed and then you can sprinkle holy water on the ground where the RAC will be constructed. We’ll have the outline of the building staked so you can see exactly where the gym, auditorium, Youth Ministry suite, and other classrooms will be located. We’ll have time for prayer and “turning the dirt” as we ask God’s blessing on the final phase of our Master Plan. Make plans to join us for this historic day in the life of CtR. Construction gets under way this this month, and by summer of 2018, our new facility will be open for use by our entire parish community. My thanks to all have made a gift to the Capital Campaign to construct the RAC, and of course, I encourage everyone to join in by making a pledge to help make it a reality. It’s only through your generosity and good Stewardship that we are able to provide for the needs of our community both now and for generations to come. I look forward to seeing you at 12:30 p.m. next Sunday. I'll be easy to spot in my hard hat! |