Happy Friday and the beginning of a three-day weekend, everyone! (At least I think it’s the beginning of a three-day weekend – the days tend to blur together.) We’ve got a beautiful convergence of the sacred and the secular this weekend with the
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord on Sunday followed by Memorial Day on Monday.
The Ascension draws us closer to
Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit. But before the Spirit can come, Jesus must return to his Father and our Father in Heaven. It is not so much a departure as it is a preparation. Our Lord is with us always, especially when he is seated at the right of the Father, and the coming of the Spirit of God, the third person of the blessed Trinity, is proof that he accompanies us always.
Memorial Day is a time we remember all who have died in service of our great country. Hopefully we remember them every day, but on Memorial Day it is especially appropriate to pause and give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice they have given for the sake of others.
May God welcome them into his eternal kingdom and bring comfort to their families.
We’ve got an exciting week coming up at CtR. Let’s take a look at all this is happening:
• Join us for the celebration of Ascension Sunday, either in person or via our
livestream. Remember our modified Mass schedule for now is Saturday at 5 p.m., and Sunday at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. As I thought, we saw a slight increase last weekend in those attending in person, with between 200-225 on both Saturday night and Sunday morning (Sunday evening’s Mass had about 150 people). Still, we are well below our limit of 25 percent capacity.
We ask that the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass be reserved for those aged 60 and older, please. (Though if your work schedule precludes you from coming on Sunday, you are welcome to attend.) Follow the ushers’ direction and keep social distance in the pews, and we do ask that everyone wear a mask, please, for the safety of all. And remember, the 9 a.m. Mass on Sunday will be livestreamed as usual on both Facebook and YouTube, and you can find a worship aid to follow along with the liturgy at
• While we plan for the Ascension this weekend, we are REALLY looking forward to the following Sunday, May 31, for Pentecost and the celebration of the
40th anniversary of Christ the Redeemer. Our founding pastor,
Bishop George Sheltz, will join us for the 9 a.m. Mass that day. I do hope many of you will join us in celebration that day, either in person or virtually. What a blessing that 40 years to the day (minus one – our first Mass was June 1, 1980) the priest who was then known as “Father George” will be back to celebrate with us. We’ve got a few things planned to mark the occasion, but most of all let us give thanks to God for his blessings upon our parish for the past four decades!
I invite everyone to share pictures and stories of your time at CtR next week on your social media pages and tag us at
#CtR40 or
#weareCtR. We’d love to see your pictures and read your memories of how CtR has been – and still is – part of the life of your family. Whether you’ve been here since Day 1, or just joined us last week, we are the family of the Church, and it is our sincere belief that even while socially apart, we are united in the faith of Jesus Christ. Give it some thought and then share with us this coming week. Tag us and we’ll repost a few of them throughout the week.
• We’re closing out our sixth year of
Christ the Redeemer Catholic School next week and what a year it was – unlike any before, obviously, but a true blessing nonetheless. The parish can be rightfully proud of CtR School – its students, parents, and teachers – for adapting to the distance learning on the fly and not missing a beat. Today we had a car parade for our 36 graduating 8th graders. It was great to see all the kids as they waved goodbye to their teachers and administrators. Thanks to their parents who participated, too. We love our parents!
We’ll see the 8th graders one more time next Wednesday evening when we celebrate a
Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation for them. Because of space consideration, it’s closed to the public, but please remember them in your prayers. And don’t forget that registration is going on now for next school year. Come see what a gift Catholic education can be for your children at CtR Catholic School. All the information can be found at
• As we transition into summer, I want to offer a
special shout-out to our CtR Youth Ministry.
Rachel Smyth and her team did a great job the past two months meeting virtually with our high school and junior high kids each week. They even added some “bonus days” throughout May well past when their sessions usually end and had great participation from the students. And while the summer trips and retreats have had to be scuttled, they are still planning new ways to stay in touch with the kids – and keep the teens in touch with the faith – over the summer. See
www.ctryouth.com for information on how your students can be part of it.
• We announced last week our plans for VVBS,
Virtual Vacation Bible School the week of July 13. Thanks for everyone who has already expressed interest and already signed up to be part of it. You can read all about it on our website at
www.ctrcc.com/vbs. Best of all it's
• Our parish office opened up this past week and we’ve had a steady stream of people stopping by for various needs. It’s been great to see everyone (behind a mask, of course) and we’re here Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. to serve you. I hope in June we can begin to expand that a bit more. Recall as well, that confessions are heard every Saturday from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the chapel, and anytime by appointment by emailing
[email protected], and the chapel is open daily for private prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. CAM Food Pantry donations are also welcomed at the parish office at any time.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who Ascended into Glory, pray for us!