We live in a world of instant gratification. News gets to us on our smartphones or iPads the moment it happens. If we want the latest “must have” we just get it. All of this leads to restlessness and resistance because we are filling the hole in our hearts with stuff and noise. We can only defeat resistance with self-control and delayed gratification. By denying ourselves we take control of our lives and make our hearts, minds and souls stronger. Resistance hates discipline, self-control and delayed gratification. Sometimes we get tired and let resistance take control of our lives. We need a coach or spiritual director to keep us on track and to stay the course. We can only achieve excellence if we have a companion to help guide and direct us and help keep us strong.
Regular confession also helps us to defeat resistance and help us grow in happiness. Regular examination of our lives and regular confession satisfies our need for healing and liberates us from self-centeredness. When we go to confession we must be truthful and gentle with ourselves.
If we are to stop resisting happiness and grow spiritually we need to have a plan. Without a plan there is no discipline, without discipline there is no self-denial, without self-denial there is no growth. Lent is rapidly approaching and it is a good time to put a plan in place to begin to overcome resistance. Make your plan now so you are ready to go and grow.