Do you every feel like you are your own worst enemy, procrastinating, struggling with doubts and anxieties that you can do nothing about? That is resistance. Resistance is that sluggish feeling of not wanting to do something that is good for you and the inclination to do something that you know is not good for you and everything in between. It is the desire and tendency to delay something you should be doing right now.
This resistance, procrastination and delay keep us from accomplishing the things we want to do, prevent us from living the life God is calling us to live. It keeps us from reaching out to others in need because the needs are so great and we are so small. The struggle against resistance is a battle we must fight every hour of everyday from hitting the snooze in the morning to not examining our conscience at the end of the day because we are too tired.
If we are to be happy in this life we must overcome resistance. Happiness is not butterflies and balloons and laughing all the time. Happiness is the sense of peace and joy knowing that our lives are in sync with God, those we love and others. We search for happiness in many places, hoping that more money, power, status, adventures and accomplishments will make us happy. They only leave us wanting more. There is nothing on earth that can make us happy. Only by putting God and others first will we begin to be happy.
Are you happy? On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your happiness?
Resistance loves laziness and hates activity. What activities make you happy?
What one thing in the next week can you do to increase your happiness?