Those of you who like the color green will want to take a good look at our vestments and banners this week. It’s the last Sunday you’ll see them until January as we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King next week with its proper white, and then move directly into four weeks of royal violet of Advent, and, of course, follow that with the glorious white and gold of Christmas. We’ll focus on Christ the King next week, but before we do let’s look at this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Our Gospel from St. Mark should serve as a warning for us to be ready for the end times, because that’s exactly what Jesus is exhorting his disciples and us to prepare for. On first reading, it sounds ominous, and even bleak. But we can take great comfort when he says “my words will not pass away.” Jesus is the Eternal Word of the Father. Let us listen, and pay heed to, that Word made flesh. When we do so it really won’t matter “the day or the hour,” for all time is eternal for God. To him be the glory, honor, and praise.
This weekend we have the regularly scheduled monthly second collection that helps fight poverty at its roots. For more than 50 years, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has provided funding for groups that make lasting change and lift up the poor in the U.S. The collection has helped secure funding for low-income day care centers, legal advocacy to enforce fair wages, programs that emphasize education, and affordable housing in low-income neighborhoods. For nearly 38 million Americans, there is a thin line between eviction and home, between hunger and health, between unemployment and work, between anxiety and stability. This line is the Poverty Line. For a family of four, that line is $31,200, according to the latest statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau. Your donations will give those in poverty the support they need to make lasting changes. CCHD invests in community-based solutions that know no racial or religious boundaries. Together we can make a difference in families and communities. Please donate prayerfully and generously.
At the 9 a.m. Mass next Sunday, we will welcome 13 new members into our Catholic faith through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. These are baptized (in a different denomination) Christians who now seek entrance into the Church, and, as they are as ready as they will ever be, it only makes sense to bring them in now so that they can celebrate the upcoming Advent and Christmas seasons as members of the Catholic Church. We welcome them with great joy, and we pray for the many others who will continue their formation and join us next Spring at Easter.
November is a month of thanksgiving, and to that end, we will give thanks to God for our many ministers and volunteers next Wednesday, Nov. 20, at our weekly 7 p.m. Mass. Following the service we will gather for a dessert reception to honor those who give so generously of their time and talent to serve our community. All service flows from the Eucharist – it’s literally how we are fed and strengthened to serve God and neighbor. CtR has become the parish that it is because of the hundreds and hundreds of selfless volunteers who give of their time and talent in Stewardship to serve others. We’ve sent invitations to our volunteers through our ministry groups and organization, but all are welcome to join us in thanking God and all those who help us in many and various ways throughout the year.
Finally, next Saturday, Nov. 23, we will celebrate a Mass of First Communion for 132 of our (mostly) 2nd-grade students. We welcome our young children to the table of the Lord, and celebrate them along with their families. May the Bread of Life nourish you all the days of your life! Please note that due to the First Communion Mass at 9 a.m. we will not hold confessions next Saturday morning. They will resume the following Saturday, Nov. 30.
Peace, Fr. Sean
P.S.: Thanks to all who came out for the 11th annual CtR School Chili Cook-Off last Saturday. It was a wonderful night of fun for our entire community raising funds to support our Catholic school. The weather was perfect, the chili was tasty, and the spirit was alive. It’s become one of the great events of our parish’s social calendar, with something for all ages, and I invite you to join us for it again next November.
Shout-out to Katie Griep from our school, who along with Marilyn Lozano and a team of volunteers, put on a lively celebration. And congrats to our team of deacons, led by the indefatigably enthusiastic Deacon Bill Bradley, whose “God’s Favorite Chili” team took home the fan favorite award. The deacons brought in a couple of ringers (i.e., nuns!) to help them this year and it seemed to work! To be honest, all our chili cooks knocked it out of the park, and all who came ate exceedingly well. Thanks to all for a great night!