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Outreach Ministries
Catholic Extension
Join the Baptism Team
Holy Orders - Vocations
Vocation Chalice Program
Vocations - For Parents
Marriage Preparation Inquiry
Engaged Couple Orientation
Preparing for Your Wedding
Mentor Couple Ministry
Issues and Action
Wedding Guild Ministry
Natural Family Planning
Sympto-Thermo Fertility Method
Creighton Fertility Model
Anointing of the Sick
Liturgies & Prayer
Accommodations at Mass
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Art & Environment
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
Sewing Group
Music Ministries
Redeemer Choir
Youth Singers
Cantor Resources
Meet the Music Staff
Pipe Organ Project
Private Music Lessons
Resurrection Choir
Contemporary Ensemble
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Discover CtR
Genesis Early Childhood Program
Youth Ministry
Programs for Children
CtR Catholic School
Catholic Faith Camp
Vacation Bible School
Youth Ministry and Confirmation
Genesis ECP
Genesis Calendar
Genesis ECP Parent Handbook
Genesis ECP Curriculum
Genesis ECP Staff
Genesis ECP Newsletters
Genesis ECP Inquiry
Genesis ECP Registration
American Heritage Girls
Boy Scouts
Sea Scouts
Cub Scouts
Youth Sports
Quinceanera Blessings
Youth Ministry
Programs for Adults
ACTS Retreat
Hearts on Fire
Adult Game Day
Apologetics: Defending the Faith
The Cana Experience
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Catholic Scripture Study
The Classics - Seniors' 55+
Couples & Marriage Enrichment
CtR Women's Retreat
The Divine Mercy Cenacle
Friday Morning Bible Study
Home School Connect
Journey Through Scripture
Knights of Columbus
Columbian Squires
Ladies Auxiliary
Men's Fellowship
Our Sacred Space
Parish Pilgrimages
Prison Ministry
Piecemakers Craft Group
Taizé Prayer Service
Teams Of Our Lady
Thursday Adult Bible Study
St. Joseph Altar
Wedding Guild Ministry
Young Adult Group
Young Adults Day of Prayer January 20, 2024
Register for Day of Prayer
St. Anne's Society
CtR Men's Retreat
Photography Guild
Welcoming Committee
Programas para adultos
Programas para adultos
Become Catholic
Inquiry - The Beginning
Catechumens and Candidates
Purification and Enlightenment
Meet the RCIA Director
Diocesan Services Fund
Marian Grotto & Prayer Garden Expansion
CtR Paver Program
Annual Spring Festival
Easter & Christmas Flower Donations
CtR Catholic School
Genesis ECP
Join the Parish
Parishioner Update Form
Annual Pastoral Report
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Spring Festival
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Rejoice Counseling
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Catholic Extension
Holy Orders - Vocations
Anointing of the Sick
Liturgies & Prayer
Accommodations at Mass
Liturgical Ministries
Music Ministries
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Discover CtR
Genesis Early Childhood Program
Youth Ministry
Programs for Children
Programs for Adults
Become Catholic
Children and Youth
Below is a listing of children and youth programs during the school year and summer.
Click any link or image to learn more.
Religious Education
All are welcome to receive faith formation at Christ the Redeemer. The Religious Education Department serves our children grades Prek3- 6th. We offer traditional classroom sessions as well as a Home-based approach.
Youth Ministry and
Our Youth Ministry program offers faith formation for 7th-12th grade students.
Sacrament Preparation
For Children (Under 7)
Preparation for the celebration of the sacraments is in addition to regular ongoing religious education. Families will engage in the preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
CtR Catholic School
We welcome Pre-K 3 through 8th grade students. Our purpose is to foster academic excellence with a love of God and neighbor that inspires and challenges our children to become leaders who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action. Take a tour!
Genesis Early
Childhood Program
Our purpose is to provide a safe, loving Catholic Christian environment where young children learn through participation in developmental experiences. Learn more about our curriculum.
Heritage Girls
This is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18 years old. It is dedicated to building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.
Cub Scouts
Boys in 1st through 5th grade - or those who are 7 to 10 years old - may find Cub Scouting great for them. Family involvement is encouraged. This is the first and the biggest of the three Scouting programs from the Boy Scouts of America.
Boy Scouts
The Boy Scouts strive to develop American citizens who are physically, mentally and emotionally fit, have a high degree of self-reliance, and possess qualities such as initiative, courage, resourcefulness and reverence.
Sea Scouts
Sea Scouts is a High Adventure unit for older youths ages 14-20 who want to participate in activities on and off the water.
Youth Sports
Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church and School is a member of the West Houston Christian Sports Association (WHCSA), a youth sport skill-building league. We are excited to offer to our youth at CtR. We offer soccer, basketball and baseball.
Youth Singers
CtR offers two youth choirs: Choristers (3rd-7th grade) and Youth Singers (8th-12th grade). Singers can participate in the Mass celebration and special liturgies by joining these choirs.
Trail Life
Trail Life USA is a Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship journey that provides an outdoor adventure for boys from Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Home School
We seek to build a community of Catholic homeschoolers to support each other in this mission and provide weekly gatherings for faith, friends, and fun for both children and parent(s).
Quinceañera Blessings
Learn how to arrange a quinceañera for your child.
Summer Programs
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun-filled, action-packed week where we learn about God and how we can count on Him in good times and bad. We will also learn about saints that relate back to the Bible point for each day.
Catholic Faith Camp
During Catholic Faith Camp (CFC) we dig deeper into our Catholic faith to unwrap the beauty of what it means to be Catholic. We attend daily Mass Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and adoration on Wednesday.
Camp Invention
All students entering Kindergarten through 6th grade in the fall are welcome. Teachers lead the week of fun, hands-on, S.T.E.M. activities that encourage children to think big, explore their curiosity, and never give up!