It’s Friday once again, my friends, and for that we give thanks. Sorry for the delay in posting – it’s been a busy day around here for me with a funeral, a sick call visit for one of our homebound parishioners, and then two wedding rehearsals this evening. But I’m grateful for it all. Even in the midst of everything that is happening in our world, in our country, and in our city,
it’s imperative that we remember to give thanks to God. While I know it’s tempting to join in the chorus of lament for our current conditions, let us remember that the Lord is with us even now. Especially now!
As it so happens, our Gospel for the
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time this weekend reminds us that the Church is founded on the rock of Peter, and “the gates of the netherworld will not prevail against it.” Those are the words of Jesus Christ himself, and that is our assurance that whatever may come we have a firm foundation in him. Let us cling to the rock of the Church always and forever.
We do so spiritually, of course, but we may also soon need to do so physically. Though we’ll be fine this weekend, let’s keep an eye on next week as the tropics begin to heat up. With a pair of tropical depressions making their way into the Gulf of Mexico,
we need to be prepared for stormy weather. I’ve never experienced a hurricane in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and I really don’t want to start now! Nonetheless, the Lord is our surety and our shelter from the storms of life and to Him we cling.
And now on to a few news and notes:
• First, foremost, and always, we invite you to please join us for Mass via our livestream on Sunday at 9 a.m. on both our Facebook and YouTube pages. You can find the link to the livestream at, and in addition, you’ll find there both a worship aid and a link to the Scripture readings to follow along with Mass. And you can make your weekly offertory contribution online at If you’d like to join us in person for Mass, we welcome you on Saturday at 5 p.m., or Sunday at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
• This week we will also have an 11 a.m. Mass –
but it’s reserved only for our First Communion families. You may recall that earlier this spring we had about 120 children who were waiting to make their First Communion when we had to shut down our public masses. Since we’ve resumed our celebrations, we’ve had a handful of children join weekdays and on several Sundays at our masses with limited attendance. Still we have about 50 kids who have not yet celebrated, and so at this special Mass this weekend, we’ll welcome 40 of the children to the table of the Lord for the first time. We congratulate them and their parents. (The remaining families have elected to wait until a bit later, and that’s certainly fine. We gave everyone the choice to proceed at a time when they felt it was best for their family.)
• So, please pray for the First Communion children this Sunday, but don’t join us just yet. We’ll be maxed out at our current 25 percent capacity with just the children and their families. However,
we will resume our public celebration of the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Sept. 13 (the Sunday after Labor Day), albeit still at 25 percent capacity for attendance. I’ll remind you again when it gets a bit closer.
We’ve seen an uptick in attendance at our 9 a.m. Mass recently, and it’s customary for our attendance to get heavier once we get to September each year after the summer lull.
We’re not ready to resume the 7 a.m. Mass just yet. That Mass is historically our most sparsely attended, and the great majority of people who usually come to it are seniors, most of whom who wish to attend Mass at this time are coming on Saturday evening. I’m hopeful we can add it back in the not too distant future, but not just yet.
As a reminder, the Sunday Mass obligation is still dispensed, meaning that you do not have to come to church.
Cardinal DiNardo put this into place in March and it’s still in effect for Catholics of all ages. Those over the age of 60 are especially reminded of it, but it applies to everyone.
• I know by soon adding back the 11 a.m. Mass that will get us all questioning when it will be when we can return to a “normal” schedule of on-campus meetings for parish ministries and groups. The answer is “not yet.” I was part of the Presbyteral Council meeting with Cardinal DiNardo last week and
he reiterated his desire for parishes to not host meetings on campus at this time. He wants to give the pandemic curve a bit more time to flatten, and so we’ll follow the directives of our chief shepherd in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Cardinal DiNardo has made an exception for religious education and sacramental preparation to continue, so while a few things are happening here, for the most part we are still keeping a tight lid on most ministries. I know our group leaders are anxious to resume on-campus activities – and nothing would make me happier – but for now, let’s keep things as they are and hopefully later in September or early October the Cardinal will give the go-ahead for us to gradually resume. There will be a lot of work to be done between now and then to assure the reopening will be safe for everyone, so I ask for your prayers and patience.
• Our
Genesis Early Childhood Program has openings for youngest learners – ages 2, 3, and 4 – in both an in-classroom setting as well as virtually. Our Genesis teachers have worked hard to create this virtual option this year, and I hope it will be a great benefit for parents. Learn more about both options for Genesis at Remember as well that Genesis offers classes on either a two-day or three-day-a-week platform, so you can choose what best serves your needs. Classes will start on Tuesday, Sept. 8, the same day as our students at
CtR Catholic School resume, again either in-person or virtually. Come see all the wonderful educational opportunities available at CtR this fall. It’s going to be different, yes, but our teachers in both Genesis and CtR School are ready to meet the challenge head-on in a creative and faith-filled way.
• This weekend will be the final opportunity to bring school supplies for
Operation Backpack. Thanks to all who have responded so far. Next week we’ll start getting all the supplies and backpacks to Cypress Assistance Ministries and Our Mother of Mercy Church to distribute to the children in need. We'll accept items in the narthex this weekend and in the parish office the first part of next week, but don’t delay. Thank you again for your generous response. … I also remind you that our
2020 Parish Census is continuing. Visit to complete it today if you have not yet, or just call the parish office and we’ll walk you through it. Easy-peasy! Thank you!
Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, pray for us! (Tomorrow is the feast day of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.)