Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Here’s the latest on happenings at CtR. Lots of information today from the Archdiocese.
In a conference call today with the Presbyteral Council, Cardinal DiNardo announced that the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston is suspending all public liturgies indefinitely. He does this in sadness, of course, but recognizes it is the right thing to do to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. He expressed his closeness to all of the people of the Archdiocese in prayer in these anxious days.
This means there will be no Masses open to the public at CtR or any other parish in the Archdiocese until further notice.
We will, however, continue to offer Mass daily for the glory of God and for the good of the people of God. Fr. Vincent and I will offer a Mass each day at 9 a.m. in the CtR chapel. Though we will do so privately, you and your intentions will be in our prayers, and we invite you to join us in spiritual communion as we do so. We will also offer our Sunday Mass in the main church on the internet (time to be determined).
To pray along with us at the Mass on the internet go to our CtR YouTube channel. (Did you know we have YouTube channel? We do!) You can access it beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18. Just click the following link at 9 a.m. and you’ll be with us: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPXWK-2VjNgHatld-3T82jg/live You can watch it on your phone, tablet, computer, or even your TV if you have the YouTube app. Be patient with us the first couple of times as work out the technical aspects of it. We think we’ve got it down, but there could be a few blips along the way. In addition, there are now a number of churches offering Mass throughout the country and world (even the Pope in Rome!) online that you can watch. Even though it’s not the same as being present, it’s a wonderful way to be close to fellow Catholics.
Don’t forget the wonderful spiritual aids of Morning and Evening Prayer of the Church along with “lectio devina” of the Sacred Scriptures. Praying with your family in the “domestic church” is highly encouraged at this time. We’ve got resources available to do so on our website at www.ctrcc.com/health. See the column on the right-hand side for links.
We will offer confessions at CtR during this time when there is no public Mass. Fr. Vincent and I are still working out the logistics of how we might do so, and we’ll have that information available to you as well in another day or two.
The chapel is open daily from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. for your private prayer and devotion in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. There’s been a steady stream of people coming throughout the day. It’s beautiful to see so thank you. All are welcome! Let’s keep proper distance from one another, but otherwise come and pray. The Lord is here for us in the most precious gift of the Blessed Sacrament.
Our CtR School and Genesis Early Childhood program has extended their closing through April 10 to align with the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese and our local Cy Fair ISD. Further information is going out to parents about remote learning options this week. Likewise our Religious Education classes are suspended until further notice and parents of children in RE will soon get additional information.
Lots more to come soon, but we ask for your patience as we get adjusted to this new reality. We pray it will be for only a short duration. May we offer up this sacrifice – and it is a sacrifice, make no mistake about that – for the health and well being of all the sick in our world.
St. Patrick, pray for us.
Our Lady of Knock, patroness of Ireland, pray for us.