Parish Update – Tuesday, March 24 from Fr. Sean
A blessed Tuesday evening to you all. Today is the Feast Day of St. Oscar Romero, Bishop and Martyr, who was assassinated 40 years ago today while celebrating Mass in San Salvador, where he was Archbishop. His stance on behalf of the poor, marginalized, and forgotten of his country was a beautiful witness to the dignity of the human person. May his sacrifice inspire us to grow strong in our witness to the truth in Jesus Christ and to serve our brothers and sisters in every walk of life, especially the most vulnerable.
Given what we are being asked to do now for the good of others, it is good to call upon his intercession. Below is a news report about the 1989 film, “Romero,” which was remastered a few years ago. We showed it last year in our RAC Auditorium and I'm sure we'll do so again in the future. It stars the late Raul Julia in a masterful performance and was produced by the Paulist Fathers, a religious order of Catholic priests. You might consider adding it to your list of “quarantined” movies to watch in the coming days. Now, onto a few news and notes:
Given the “Stay Home. Work Safe.” order that came down today from Harris County, we are closing our chapel until at least April 3. It pains me to do so, but it is for the best at this time. The Archdiocese is still unpacking all of what is and isn’t permitted under the order, but for now our offices are closed and our staff is working from home. You can reach them via email or leave a voice message on their office line and they’ll return your call.
Though our chapel is closed, remember that we offer daily and Sunday Mass on our YouTube channel (link below) at 9 a.m. Tomorrow is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, so join us online for that great celebration. To assist us in that production, there will be 1-2 tech people here briefly each day, but for the most part there won’t be many, if any, people on campus. Of course, Fr. Vincent and I are available to you. We are going to set up a “Virtual Meeting” sign-up wherein you’ll be able to schedule a meeting online or phone with us. More to come on that later this week.
To my understanding, we will still offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, but we are awaiting further directives from the Archdiocese on how best to do so. I hope to have more information on that tomorrow, so please be patient.
I ask for your prayers for our staff. We are curtailing their work hours and that, of course, creates a financial burden for them. We are also moving to furlough some employees. Again, it pains me to do so. It’s the most difficult thing I’ve had to do in my 16 years as pastor, but we have to adjust to this new reality we are in. I pray that it will be for but a short time, and that we will be able to return to our normal operations soon, but we’re just taking it week by week.
• I heard from Cypress Assistance Ministries today and their Food Pantry is going strong, but they’ve curtailed their hours to 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. daily. You are welcome to drop off donations for the Food Pantry to a basket by the front door of the parish office. Fr. Vincent and I will check it regularly and bring the items inside and get them over to CAM on your behalf. If you’d like to make a financial donation for CAM, drop it in the mail slot by the door.
• I might add that mail slot is also a fine place to drop off your offertory envelope. But remember, an online donation is a great way to go and we highly encourage to transition to it at this time. The link below will assist you in that regard. Thank you very much for your continued support of the parish.
• Thanks to everyone who emailed me about your experience of Spiritual Communion. It was moving to read your testimony of how it touched you even as you are separated physically from receiving him. You can reach us at [email protected] or [email protected]. We’re also starting a “Phone Connect” effort to call parishioners, particularly our elderly. I had the great pleasure of talking with some folks this evening and I look forward to adding more each day. Our deacons and staff are going to join me in that regard, so if you get a call from one of us, don’t hang up! We just want to check on you and make sure you are doing O.K. Let us know how we can pray for you.
More to come soon, especially on how the new county mandate impacts us. Stay safe, wash your hands, keep good physical space, and most of all, pray! See our website for spiritual resources to keep you connected to the Lord and his holy Church.
St. Oscar Romero, pray for us.
Our Lady of the Annunciation, pray for us.
Peace, Fr. Sean