Have you ever noticed the joy and happiness of a married couple that openly express their love for, and delight in each other? The witness they bear is enormously contagious! I have had the privilege of knowing several such married couples. The love they show for each other literally radiates warmth to everyone around them.
One such couple I know very well actually had the console removed from their suburban because it kept them from sitting close together when they went places. Ever wonder where this abundance of love comes from?
When God, who is love, is the third partner in a marriage, the love between a couple will always be strong. And while I am sure that many of you already have marriages deeply rooted in the love of God, I want to offer you a unique way to share your love, giving it an opportunity to grow and deepen even more.
We want to invite you to consider sharing your marriage with engaged couples that are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage by becoming a Sponsor Couple. Sponsor couples form a friendship with the engaged couple by sharing real-life experiences from their own marriage journey. It is amazing how this sharing builds a trusted friendship between you and the couple that is preparing for marriage. A mutual relationship (bond) begins to grow as you accompany the engaged couple on their journey toward marriage.
Today more than ever, engaged couples need real-life role models like you who can accompany them through their life experiences. The witness of your marriage relationship can help couples gain insight into how they might choose to respond to the life circumstances that they experience. Through the sharing of our own life stories we can, and do inspire others to live out their commitment to love each other in good times and in bad.
The wonderful news is that we have many couples coming to Christ the Redeemer seeking to be prepared for marriage. It is exciting to see that so many of these young couples today are realizing the value of investing time and energy to grow and deepen their relationship with God and one another. This presents a great opportunity for you and your spouse to respond to the need to help these engaged couples by sharing with them the gift of your marriage.
Consider sharing your marriage to help shape and form the next generation of new families. Remember, it is in giving that we receive. So, step out in faith to deepen the love you share with your beloved by becoming a sponsor couple for our marriage ministry. Please email Christy Wright, Director of Family Life at [email protected].