On this 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, we come to the end of our five consecutive weeks of reading from the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel. I hope you have been following closely, and maybe even reading it on your own at home. If not, or even if you did, I might suggest you do so this weekend so that the entirety of the chapter might rest gently on your heart and in your mind. It truly contains some of the most profound words of our Lord.
After reading it, I pray that we might all echo Peter’s response to Jesus that we’ll hear this Sunday. Having been asked, “Do you also want to leave?” Peter says plainly, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” What a beautiful confession of faith, and look who it comes from – Peter!
Yes, Peter, the one who will deny him three times. The one who tried to walk on water, panicked, and began to sink. The one who got angry and cut off the ear of the high priest’s slave. The all-too-human Peter is able to confess on his lips that Jesus has the words of eternal life. If he, with his many sins, can do so, then there is hope that we, too, despite our many sins, can also confess on our lips and with our lives, that Jesus is our only path to salvation. May we eat of his body and drink of his blood and follow him with a lively faith.
Remember our Ministry Fair taking place this weekend after all Masses in the Parish Hall. All are invited to stop by for a few minutes (we’ll have coffee and donuts after the morning Masses) and peruse the many offerings from groups and organizations happening this fall. We’ve got a bunch of ’em, and would love for you to discover your place. There is something happening at CtR every day of the week, and nearly every hour of the day. From Faith Formation classes for young and old alike, to service organizations like the Knights of Columbus or Ladies Auxiliary or Catholic Daughters, to bible studies (in English and Spanish), to spiritual edification like the Divine Mercy Cenacle, or arts and crafts with Piecemakers, liturgical ministries serving at Mass, and so much more. Or maybe you like a more personal and reflective pursuit, and if so, consider spending an hour a week with the Lord in Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Come discover how the Lord is inviting you to live your Catholic faith at CtR. Representatives of our ministries will be present this weekend and would be happy to share with you the many blessings of a life of stewardship of the gifts we have all been given.
Allow me to highlight just one of our many ministries that I often get asked about and that’s our Serenity Grief Support Group. It meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Room 301 adjacent to the Chapel (old church) and anyone who has lost a loved one is welcome to attend. I mentioned last week that we celebrated 78 funerals at the parish this past year, and, of course, that means there are at least that many families who are experiencing the effect of the loss of a beloved family member. Our Serenity Grief Support Group is there to offer a non-judgmental place where those who are feeling such a loss can find comfort and a bit of God’s reassuring light and love. We all process grief differently, and it can be helpful to be around others who have walked that journey before us.
The Serenity Grief Support Group often has guest speakers and counselors who join them to offer tools and resources to help move through the various stages of grief, and so whether your loss was recent or even long ago, I invite those who have experienced the passing of a loved one to come check it out. You might stay for a meeting or two, or maybe you’d like to come back on a regular basis. There’s no set formula or requirement. The group is always present to those in need, as is true of all our ministries and groups at CtR.
Finally, looking ahead a bit, the annual CtR Casino Night sponsored by the Knights of Columbus is just a month away on Saturday, Sept. 21, and it’s always one of the highlights in our parish’s social calendar each year. For $50 you get drinks and heavy snacks and appetizers throughout the night, $4,000 in chips, a guaranteed seat at an unreserved table, and fun dealers to help you try your luck at poker, blackjack, craps, roulette and slots. Get your tickets now by visiting www.ctrcc.com/knights and following the link to Casino Night. Table sponsorships, wherein you can reserve a specific game of your choice for you and your friends, are also available. Tickets go fast, so don’t delay in reserving yours. It always sells out and I don’t want you to be caught on the outside looking in. Spread the word, invite your friends and neighbors and plan to join us for a great night of fun in the Parish Hall.