It’s been a while since we’ve seen the green vestments and colors in the church, but Ordinary Time has returned now that Advent and Christmas have concluded. Today is the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (the 1st Sunday was superseded last week by the Baptism of the Lord) and we’ll be in this liturgical season until Lent begins in early March. Our Gospel today is the famous miracle story of the Wedding Feast at Cana, wherein Jesus intercedes with the first of his many “signs” that foreshadow his abundant, overflowing love for all people. May the fullness of that sign be seen in our own love for others as well.
Thanks to all who responded to our annual Stewardship Sunday last week, and thanks especially to all who completed the cards or made your commitment online. If you still have the printed card, you can drop it in the offertory basket or hand it to one of the priests or deacons this week. If you haven’t yet done so, please make your commitment electronically by visiting Let us all resolve to follow our G-P-S in 2025 by Giving, Praying, and Serving as intentional disciples living out our baptismal identity in the world.
Next week we kickoff the annual Catholic Schools Week. This is marked throughout the country as an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Our own National Blue Ribbon-winning CtR Catholic School has a host of activities planned to mark the week for students, families, and parishioners. In Catholic Schools Week we focus on the value a Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our Church, our community, and our nation. This year’s theme is “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community,” which certainly describes our own CtR Catholic School. It is the one faith of Jesus Christ that is our guiding principle, and our school is rooted in not only our CtR parish community, but throughout Cypress and beyond through acts of service and charity.
One of the highlights of the week is an Open House for all grades (Pre-K through 8th) on Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. This is a great chance to tour the school and see what the kids are doing up close and personal. That’s not only for prospective parents to see what is happening, but it’s also a fine time for any parishioner to come and see. Even if you don’t have children or grandchildren that are school age you are invited to see how Catholic schools have an impact on the life of us all. We expect to be near capacity in every grade level next year (nearly 500 students in total), so it is imperative that returning families re-register soon and new families apply now, too.
Another way to support our CtR Catholic School is through the annual Steps for Students 5K Run/Walk. It’s set for Saturday, Feb. 8 and it provides much needed funds for scholarships and programs in Catholic education. It’s a great family event and always a lot of fun. All are invited to join our CtR team and in the process, all proceeds will come back to our school – 100 percent! It’s a well-organized fun run through downtown Houston with a great party afterwards. I’ve done it for a number of years and find it to be a great way to spend the morning getting some exercise and helping a great cause. Registration is fast and easy and we always have a big team from CtR and we’d love to have you join us this year. Go to www.ctrschool/steps4students for information and to register.
If you don’t want to run/walk yourself, you can sponsor me and all proceeds will come right back to benefit our own CtR School. You can make an online pledge, and I’ll do all the work while you sleep in that morning! To sponsor me, follow this link: It only takes a few minutes to make your pledge safely and securely online. Or if you like, you can give me a check or cash in person at Mass or in the office and I’ll see that it is credited to our CtR team.
A heads-up for the men of the parish that our annual CtR Men’s Retreat is coming soon on Saturday, Feb. 1. It’s a great way to spend the day with your brothers in Christ, and disconnect from those things that leave us feeling stressed, and learn how to better connect with and journey with God this year. Come experience the inner peace a one-day retreat offers through prayer, fellowship, and communion with the Lord. All are welcome, no matter where you might be on your spiritual journey. Learn more and register at
Lastly, a reminder that our parish offices will be closed (and our school as well) tomorrow, Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.Day. Finally, this Wednesday, Jan. 22, is a Day of Prayer for Unborn Children as we mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the U.S. Since that tragic decision, millions of lives have been lost to abortion, and many women, men, and families suffer that loss, often in silence. We’ll pray for a greater respect for all human life at our 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. masses that day, and I encourage you to keep a fast throughout the day if possible.