This weekend we celebrate the 4th Sunday of Lent, also known as Laetare Sunday, from the Latin word “rejoice.” It is a day of joy in the midst of the penitential season of Lent, much like Gaudete Sunday is in the third week of Advent. It’s not Easter yet, but it lets us know that our journey is entering the homestretch. Keep the faith!
Our Gospel on this Sunday comes from St. John and includes perhaps the most well-known verse in all of Sacred Scripture: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” That, of course, is John 3:16. Those of you of a certain ag0e might recall that it was once ubiquitous in modern society. You used to see signage proclaiming it everywhere in the ’70s and ’80s from sporting events to shopping malls to bumper stickers.
These days I can’t recall when I last saw “John 3:16” in public. Perhaps it was just a passing fad, but one thing is for certain – we must not forget that what the verse proclaims is true. God truly did so love the world that he sent his only Son! And God still desires us to have eternal life with him, but we must be willing to come out of the darkness of sin so as to experience the grace of his light and mercy. Because while it is one thing to see John 3:16 written on a bed sheet hanging from the rafters of a stadium, it’s much more important that we live it publicly in our lives.
Thank you to all who participated in our Lenten Family Day of Service last Saturday. What a turnout we had all across our campus and in the community! It was wonderful to see the many pictures that came in (you can see them on our social media pages) from the various places of CtR parishioners putting their faith into action. Thank you one and all. Special thanks to Kerry Chu, our Director of Social Ministry and Outreach, for organizing the day and for all those who took a lead role in overseeing one of the work sites. This was the first time for us to do such a project, but it certainly won’t be the last.
Speaking of putting your faith into action, let me remind you about our ongoing Lenten Almsgiving initiative to assist our brothers and sisters at Sacred Heart Church in the Diocese of El Paso. Collectively as a parish, we are inviting you to give alms toward this project of building up the body of Christ (the physical structure of the 120-year-old Sacred Heart), so that the body of Christ (the people of the parish) may continue to serve the body of Christ (those from the margins of society who come to their doorstep every day). You can make a donation anytime in the final three weeks of Lent via or use the designated envelopes in the narthex. For those who give electronically, you’ll find an option on your Faith Direct account, but for those writing a check, please indicate Catholic Extension or “El Paso/Sacred Heart” in the memo line.
As I mentioned last week, our annual St. Joseph’s Altar pasta luncheon and bake sale is happening next Sunday, March 17. We’ll bless the altar following the 9 a.m. Mass, and then the serving line will be open continuously until 1 p.m. so others can attend after the 11 a.m. Mass. Dinners are $10 for adults and $5 for children aged 3-10. All proceeds from the dinner and bake sale go to benefit Cypress Assistance Ministries.
What is a St. Joseph Altar? It’s a traditional way that Catholics of Italian descent honor their patron saint, the beloved husband of Mary, St. Joseph, whose feast day is March 19. (This year, we’re holding it on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, because we Irish are so kind and accommodating to our Italian brethren!) It involves two things that are at the heart of what it means to be an Italian Catholic, namely family and food! There is a big pasta meal that is served, but the real centerpiece is the elaborate altar that is built that includes all manner of Italian homemade cookies and sweets, bread and wine. Tradition dictates that after you enjoy your pasta meal you select an item from the altar (nearly everything is homemade and for sale) to take home with you. It’s a feast for the eyes and stomach. Regardless of your heritage, on this day, everyone is Italian! Please plan on joining us. See to buy tickets in advance or purchase them at the door. Mangia bene!
Finally, this is the beginning of Spring Break week for our CtR Catholic School and Genesis Early Childhood Program students, as well as the local public schools. I pray it will be a relaxing and grace-filled time for students and teachers alike. Our parish offices will be open all week, but I suspect it will be fairly quiet around the campus with the school kids out. Along with so many of you, several members of the parish staff will be taking a few days off here and there, too, so please be patient if trying to reach someone. I also ask that our ministry leaders and groups that meet regularly to please communicate to your members if you will be off for the week.