There is a lot of alliteration going on in the Old Testament passage that we hear today in the first reading at Mass on the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It comes from the mouth of Solomon in the Book of Wisdom – listen to the first three lines: “I prayed ... I pleaded ... I preferred ...” That’s a lot of p’s! And what is it that Solomon prayed for, pleaded for, and preferred more than anything else? Nothing less than holy wisdom itself. When we seek wisdom first, and not the fame and fortune of the world, as Solomon could have certainly requested, we too will know the grace that he received. When we are gifted with wisdom we have all that we need. Let us pray today that the Lord will shower us with such wisdom in all the deliberations of our life.
Respect Life Month continues throughout October, so please remember our ongoing Baby Bottle Blessing Drive to collect funds for various life-centered groups and organizations here in Cypress and in greater Houston. You can return your baby bottles that were distributed last weekend on any Sunday in October. Simply look for the crib in the narthex of the church, or drop them at the office. Cash or check is welcomed. There’s also a Novena for Life that begins on Oct. 22 that prays for the protection of human life, from conception to natural death. Each day of the novena features a different pro-life prayer intention which is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. You’ll find a handy page to follow all the prayers on our website at
We’re about a month away from one of the best community events of the year so I want to make sure you have it on your calendar to join us for our 11th annual Chili Cook-off on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 6-9 p.m. benefitting our great CtR Catholic School. It’s a great night of chili, Frito Pie (my favorite), hot dogs, drinks, music, live and silent auctions, and fun for the whole family. It takes place in our back parking lot and is not to be missed. You may purchase tickets in advance online at, and we also have sponsorship opportunities to help underwrite the event. See the same website for additional information. It’s a great way to promote your business or organization at one of our biggest events of the year.
We’ve already registered a number of teams who are ready to duke it out for the title 2024 Chili Champion, but we have room for more. Think your recipe (or that of a friend or co-worker) is the best in Cypress? Come join us and put it to the taste test of our judges and community. Being part of a chili cook team is a fun way to experience the evening, and a great way to support Catholic education. The website has all the details on how your team can be part of the action. We’ve also got some great items available in both the live and silent auctions, and I’m planning to open up my cellar as well to offer the Fr. Sean Wine Pull. Make plans to join us!
Speaking of our National Blue Ribbon CtR Catholic School, though we’re relatively early in this academic year, we are already looking ahead to next year. We invite all prospective families to join us for an Open House next Sunday, Oct. 20 from 12:30-2 p.m. I highly encourage parents to come and see all that the school has to offer, and to prayerfully consider it as an option for your child. Members of our staff and administration will be on hand to answer questions and tour you through the campus. I think you will be impressed by the innovative methods to facilitate learning among our children and our commitment to a quality Catholic education.
Even if you yourself do not have a school-age child at home I’d encourage you to help us spread the word in the community. Let others know that CtR School welcomes their children and invite them to join us for the Open House to see for themselves all that Cypress’ only National Blue Ribbon school offers. If next Sunday doesn’t work for your schedule, we offer tours at any time during the week. See www.ctrschool.comfor details and to schedule an appointment.
One last school-related note: We are seeking basketball coaches to lead both our boys and girls teams. We’ve got a great group of students lined up to play in our Catholic school league, but we are short on coaches who can help guide them this season. This is a part-time position, in the late afternoons or early evenings during the week, and we do provide a stipend for your service. If you or someone you know can help out this fall, please contact Coach Melissa Harabis, our Athletic Director, at [email protected].
Lastly, remember that our CtR Golf tournament is tomorrow, Monday, Oct. 14 at Windrose Golf Club in Spring. Entry fee is $150 and there is still time for you to join in, be it as a single player or with a foursome. As it’s Columbus Day, I hope some of you might have the day free to come and tee it up. It includes lunch beforehand and a barbecue dinner afterwards and plenty of fun along the way. Our Knights of Columbus Council #8771 always do a great job of hosting it each year and all the proceeds go to benefit CAM and youth scholarships from the parish. See our CtR website for more information, or you can register directly on the Knights’ page at Or simply show up at Windrose for the 1 p.m. shotgun start and we’ll get your paired up and out on the course in no time.