Have you ever noticed the joy and happiness of a married couple that openly express their love for, and delight in each other? The witness they bear is enormously contagious! I have had the privilege of knowing several such married couples. The love they show for each other literally radiates warmth to everyone around them.
by Camilla MacKenzie, Director of Adult Discipleship
A couple of weeks ago, Pope Francis published a new encyclical called Fratelli Tutti on the feast of St. Francis. Usually, encyclicals are addressed to those in the Catholic Church, since they often focus on clarification or promoting a certain aspect of faith. However, Pope Francis addresses Fratelli Tutti to the whole world because the subject pertains to every person, not just Catholics.
Mother Theresa was quoted saying, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” In many ways, this has been the theme of our start to a very different catechetical year. Parents, upperclassmen teens, and our many volunteers have stepped up to work with the challenges brought to us this year. It may not look like years past, but God is still moving in powerful ways!
Reconciliation is a celebration of the fact that God has already forgiven us! What a beautiful statement. It reminds us that there is a dimension to the Sacrament that is often overlooked. We have only to think of the father waiting for his wayward son’s return from the Parable of the Lost Son in Matthew’s Gospel. God is always waiting for us, hoping for our return to him when we have strayed.
We are tired of restrictions on activities and travel, worried about our jobs, our families, our country. We must realize, though, that we are not unique. In every generation there have been very difficult tests and challenges.
As the new school year begins with much anticipation and some anxiety, parents of young children are having to make extremely difficult choices for their children this year. Genesis has been preparing all summer to support families and their children this year.
Despite all the struggles and controversy we face today, we see Christ’s Love made visible when two people join with God to give themselves to each other in love without conditions.
by Camilla MacKenzie, director of Adult Discipleship
Every Aug. 15, Catholics around the world celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary. What is the Assumption? Where does it come from? What is its importance?
by Rachel Smyth, director of Youth Evangelization and Catechesis
As we look to enter August a new school year, the reality of the continued pandemic can weigh us down. Let us look to the Lord to find new ways for personal and family prayer.
Everyone loves a good story, young and old alike. They entertain, stir the imagination and perhaps even teach a lesson. Jesus was a master teacher. His stories are as meaningful for us today as they were during his ministry on earth.
The National Association of Pastoral Musicians held their annual convention virtually this summer. Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso gave the opening address on the function of music in times of distress. In a time when it is not safe for our choirs to gather to sing, when so many of us cannot safely gather for worship, and when our nation seems divided in many ways, how can we sing?
In this Sunday’s gospel of the Parable of the Sower we hear Jesus announce, “But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” Click the title to read more.
Although our operational procedures will be a bit different in September 2020, at Genesis Early Childhood Program, we are excited to welcome everyone back for 2020-21! We are in the middle of summer preparations to make sure we can safely serve your children.
As we celebrate the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) I am reminded that many have been unable to physically receive the Eucharist these past three months due to the pandemic. Have you ever noticed when you are physically separated from someone you love dearly, the desire to be with them just seems to increase? An appreciation of the joy and happiness experienced within that relationship just continues to grow deeper.
by Camilla MacKenzie, director of Adult Faith Formation
We’ve heard the phrase “unprecedented times” too many times to count and it can make us long for “precedented” times. With the arrival of Ordinary time this week, we can feel as though, at least liturgically, we’ve made it back to normal. However, with God, there is only the “unprecedented.”
by Rachel Smyth, director of Youth Evangelization and Catechesis
From the strangest ending to the weirdest school year, we are excited and so proud of the graduating class of 2020! They have worked so hard over the past four years and have overcome the obstacles placed in their path by Hurricane Harvey and a global pandemic to name a few.
The prayer of many people’s hearts during this pandemic is probably similar to the disciples when they were hit by a storm at sea: “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38). As the days drag on we may feel hopeless, trying to make sense of why this is happening to us.
by Linda Watso, coordinator of Religious Education
While COVID-19 has derailed Rocky Railway, our VBS will continue on(line)! Our engineers are working hard to bring VBS right to your living room. You can be anywhere in the world to attend this VBS.
Singing together, which means being responsible for the singing, is different than listening to music on the radio – or on Facebook Live as we attend Mass remotely as best we can. We can hear the beautiful singing of the cantor, and we can sing along, we can even try our best to imagine that everyone else is singing, but it just isn’t the same as making our own heartfelt, imperfect music together.
The Easter Season is such an invigorating time of year. The Risen Christ is as tangible as what we observe in the renewal of nature. Fresh green leaves and grass, and the vibrant colors of spring flowers brighten the landscape. What is being renewed and restored in your life this Easter Season?