As we experience weakness and suffering during Lent, we should be renewed in our compassion for those who are hungry, suffering, or otherwise in need. The third part of the Lenten formula is almsgiving. It’s about more than throwing a few extra dollars in the collection plate; it’s about reaching out to others and helping them without question as a way of sharing the experience of God’s unconditional love.
Through service, we become icons of Christ in our community by demonstrating the charity of Christ through concrete actions. We encourage you to take this opportunity to participate in the Church's social mission this Lent. We have on-site projects at CtR, as well as off-site projects. SIGN UP HERE or at link below!
We require all adult participants 18 and older to be current with their CMG Connect certification in advance of this event.
Childcare is available for on-site projects as well - registration link coming soon!
See below to learn about various opportunities to serve both on-campus and off.
Two opportunities to serve the parish:
Service Activity 1: Help deep clean our beautiful Church and Chapel
Service Activity 2: Help CtR's Trail Life group Spring clean flower beds outside the chapel
Service Activity 3: Plant, harvest and weed in our School garden
Catholic Charities provides services to eligible government-approved refugees from all backgrounds, including assistance with public benefits and medical and financial needs, and employment, vocational, and immigration services. Catholic Charities' Website
Service Activity: Assemble Welcome Baskets for refugees
Moving Waters provides showers to our unhoused brothers and sisters in the greater Houston area. Moving Water's Website
Service Activity: Assemble Hygiene Kits for shower guests.
Cypress Assistance Ministries - Food Fair - Drive-Thru Distribution. CAM's Website
Houston Food Bank distributes food and other essentials to those in need through a network of more than 1,600 community partners. In addition, we also provide programs and services aimed at helping families achieve long-term stability including nutrition education, health management, and help in securing state-funded assistance. Houston Food Bank's Website
Service Activity: Food sorting in warehouse
Loving Choice Pregnancy Center is a place any woman can go for help and information when she is facing an unexpected, emotional and possibly scary situation. Loving Choice Pregnancy Center's Website
Service Activity: Prep and stain benches for their Mary Garden. Ages 13 and older.
Open Door Mission a faith and evidence-based recovery program and facility helping the homeless in Houston TX since 1954. Open Door Mission's Website
Service Activity 1: Prepare and serve lunch for the residents.