The Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church Spring Festival in Cypress is a beloved parish tradition and our biggest weekend of the year! This two-day event includes carnival games, rides, entertainment, silent and live auctions, our raffle, dancing, a flea market, and CtR's famous Festival food booths! Admission is FREE!
Buy your 40th annual Spring Festival t-shirt! This year's shirt is navy blue and 100 percent cotton from Port & Company. The design is displayed here on this page!
Pre-orders are open through 1 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28. Don't delay and buy your family's shirts today!
A great way to show your support for this important annual event is via underwriting and sponsorship. Underwriting and sponsorships provide an amazing event filled with food, fun and festivity for our more than 7,000 parish families and neighbors across Northwest Houston.
Please submit your sponsor information and underwriting form by: Wednesday, April 24, 2025 HERE. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Thank you for your support of Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church! Please direct questions to Megan Dillingham, stewardship and advancement director, at [email protected].
Our popular silent auction is back for 2025 to entice festivalgoers into bidding on incredible packages and items to support our parish.
Check out the baskets below in need of donations to help make this year's auction great! Thanks to your support, the Festival auctions will be another amazing part of our event in 2025! Please direct questions about the Festival Silent Auction to Jenny Tyler - [email protected]. Please download and submit with your donation: 2025 Spring Festival Auction Donor Form
Our Sunday Live Auction is one of the most popular parts of our annual CtR Spring Festival and 2025 will not disappoint! Help support this year’s event with a donation - we’re seeking homestays, extravagant or overnight date nights, travel experiences, designer jewelry, religious items, special mementoes related to our parish, tickets to music and sporting events, and fun offerings and opportunities for bidding.
Please visit to learn how you can support the Live Auction in 2025-26.
Please download and submit with your donation:Platinum
Klein Funeral & Memorial Parks
Michael G. Casagrande MD, PA
Thomas & Lisa Jones
The Thompson Family
B.N.R Structural Engineering
Rosanne & Mike Cook
Tea for Two - Linda Becker
Salata Salad Kitchen
Friends of Christ the Redeemer
The Tunison Family
Prosperity Bank
Emily Rogacion
Lakey Electric Co.
Audrey Morton
Mary Smith
Brown Dental, PA
Rides Sponsor
Mike and Sheila Bubela
Bingo Sponsor
Brookside Cypress Creek Funeral Home
Food Booth Sponsors
Ismael Remodeling
The Tunison Family
Craig & Jennifer Gundersen
CtR Parishioners
Theresa McMinn
The Wente Family
The Heath Family
Catholic Scripture Study
Tot Spot Sponsors
Dr. Annalisa Meadows, MD
CtR Parishioners
Miguel & Amneris Palacios
The Mattiza Family
Sweet Shoppe Sponsors
Breeze Control Air Conditioning & Heating
The Meyer Family
Game Booth Sponsors
Mike & Diane Gradassi
The Worrall Family
In Loving Memory of Aunt Tam
Soda, Tea and Water Booth Sponsors
Carolyn A. Wells
The Mulholland Family
A CtR Parishioner
Marilyn Wist
Stay connected at #CtRFestival! Share your pictures on social media using our festival hashtag, or tag us on Instagram (@ctrhouston) or Facebook (@ctrcc)!