If you are new to CtR, have missed any of the previous welcoming events, or simply want to learn more about our church, come join us for Welcoming Sunday! If you are new to CtR, bring your family to Welcoming Sunday in the Parish Hall for fellowship and to learn more about our parish! Fr. Sean Horrigan, CtR staff and ministry volunteers will be on hand to welcome you and give you an overview of our community.
New parishioners receive a personal invitation in the mail.
Next Welcoming Sunday: Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025, after 9 a.m. mass
The Welcoming Committee provides a warm welcome to families and adults who are new to our parish. Members make welcoming phone calls to newly registered families, mail Welcome Packets, greet visitors and prospective new parishioners after all Masses at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. The Committee also hosts Welcoming Events for new parishioners so they may meet other Christ the Redeemer families and get information about the parish. Come and join us! Help in all areas or just one or two.
Members of the Welcoming Committee meet at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of each month. If you are interested in joining the committee, contact [email protected].